Welcome to my Blog!

This is my blog, it'll have some crafts, some books, posts about my pets, and other stuff.

Monday, November 29, 2010

All about Blackberry!

I am going to make this post all about my guinea pig Blackberry! I'm going to have a some imformation about her :D I was going to post pictures of her, But for some reason it wouldn't work.

Blackberry likes Carrots, lettuce, cucumber, grapes, apples, bannanas and getting her cage cleaned. To make Blackberry be your friend all you have to do is give her a carrot with lettuce wrapped around it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Winter post

Winter is coming! Which means Christmas is coming. And christmas is NOT about gifts! Christmas is Jesus's birthday. And in a few weeks im going to post pictures of the birthday cake for Jesus me and my mom make ;-). Also i'm making a new thing for on here, its called the 'book of the month' I will post a title and descripitoin of a book on here. And this months book of the month is.................Sophies world! Its about an 11 year old girl who loves to go into her imagainary world, But it often gets her in trouble in school. And on a school field trip she accidently, while in her imagainary world, got lost from her group.